Monday, February 25, 2013

Here We Go.....

Let's get this thing started! 
Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad; so, I digress. 

My day without technology almost turned into a whole week. My account with AppState became locked and I couldn't access my emails, my ASUlearn, my everything that had anything to do with my classes. 

Basically, I was doing this
Yep, you guessed it. I was freaking out like a small girl. (no offense, ladies) 

After six days, yes SIX WHOLE DAYS (%#@$%$!!$#$%#) I finally got access.

But of course, I'm not here to tell you about my struggle with balancing a job, school, and social life. I'm here to tell you about a dark stretch of highway I turned down for 24 hours. It was a road less traveled (Frost?), and it made a big difference (definitely Frost) in how I see life with technology in general.  

So, take a few moments and take the journey with me....

Day 1/1 Date: Friday 22 February 2013 Hours 6am -6am (2/23/13) 

Hour 1:

So, like many people, 6am is pretty early to get up and get going. But, as bad as I originally wanted this day to be over with, I anxiously got up and began my day without any use of technology. 

Today, to me, would mean:

And i would have to avoid it, at ALL COSTS!

No use of cameras (even though this required it :) ), no use of TV, cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi, Ipad, Ipod, you get the picture. Sounds pretty lame and a much boring day, huh? Well, it was unique for sure. 

Going to bed like a kid excited for 

thinking we would have a ton of SNOW and ICE, I figured that we would not be having class this particular Friday. (Stupid of me to think that I know. This freaking weather changes constantly). So, like all procrastinating students, I put off for tomorrow what I should have done the night before.

Hours 2-5:

These next few hours were spent on the beautiful campus (with the lovely physical plant people that made us have class) of Appalachian:

Finally, i picture that I had the chance to take!

9am - 12pm I was privileged (a word used loosely) to go to class and try to learn. No phone, no iPad with me, nothing to keep my interest, I felt like just standing up and yelling, 

but it was highly recommended that I stay put and just keep that thought to myself. 

So, I carried on like any good nature human being would do--I kept my mouth shut! In general, that is a pretty good rule to follow. 

 Coming back to my apartment at University Highlands, this is all we had on the ground. It pissed me off, so i had to share it with you.

At this point, you are all probably wondering how this day without technology is effecting my ability to survive as a kid in college. Funny you should ask that,

Note: The pencil pictured above is NOT mechanical!! (To me, that's a whole other technology in itself)

YES! I had no choice but to pick up a book and start doing homework. 

After the homework i decided to be a good boy and do some good reading:

Yes, the Bible. This is a big challenge for a Southern Baptist!! Just kidding, I enjoyed my time alone with God. He helped invent a lot of the technology ya know? He's even got an iPad. Go figure. 

After reading for an hour or so, making mom and dad proud and shocked of course, I was beginning to get hungry. No, really, my-back-bone-is-eating-through-my-stomach kind of hungry. 

Well, since I couldn't use the 

Microwave, or the

stove top oven, or even this little fella...

the nice and neat little toaster oven, I felt screwed. Not our current healthcare and economy type of screwed, but nonetheless, the yucky whore type screwed. It was a terrible feeling and all i wanted to do was sit in a corner and rethink my life. Not really, I was just hungry guys! 

crackers and cold soup it was! Thanks a lot!! 

After lunch, on hours 10-16, I decided to head on home, seeing how that I didn't have to work and count pills

Now, i am not far from AppState, seeing how that I grew up in Wilkes County. I live about 45 minutes away. But 45 mins without any radio or any heat or air-conditioning, it was a pretty long and boring drive home. I did however, notice all the idiots attached to their phones while I was driving. Seeing the fear on their faces when I got really close and blew my horn, or when they got close to my bumper and I slammed on my breaks, was my type of entertainment driving home. I think I figured out how to do without the radio and my phone while driving now!

Intended for pure entertainment only. 

When I arrived home, it was so hard not to sit and watch Dr. Phil with mom....c'mon, it was a joke. Pure sarcasm. I found it rather difficult however, to not go straight to my room and flip on the tube and wait for supper to be finished. 

Instead of our usual gather around the TV after supper type of deals, we all sat around talking. Because, if I could not use any technology, I was sure as crap going to make my parents suffer too!










I gave in, I couldn't make it the whole time I got to 11:15 pm and I had to watch highlights on some of the basketball games I had missed the week prior. Forgive, don't forgive, it's up to you. But, for the love of Mary and Joseph, tell me there is someone out there that is just as weak as I am!!!

If you went the entire time without any use of technology, either you're


or a....


Overall, my experience has brought me far in knowing that if I had to, i probably could do without technology. But hey, we got it, let's use it!

It's not that evil, people....

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